Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in over 350+ enzyme reactions in the body and is found in all of your tissues, specifically the brain, bones and muscles (Lipski, 2012). Its main role is to relax muscles and nerves. This mineral helps support balanced blood sugar, proper muscle function, energy production, bone health and heart health. There are many studies the show the benefit of magnesium in preventing heart disease. The amount of magnesium in the blood is directly correlated to the ability of the heart muscle to create enough energy to properly beat (Rosique-Esteban et. al, 2018). Magnesium also supports digestive health and keeps you regular! Most importantly magnesium is excellent at balancing the body, relaxing muscles, decreasing feelings of stress and supporting sleep (I call it MagnesiOMMMMMM).
Magnesium Benefits
can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease
supports digestive health
normalizes peristalsis & can keep you regular
relaxes muscles
supports bone health
can prevent migraines
help improve restful sleep
Up to half of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This is due to depleted soils and our standard American diet of processed foods which contain no magnesium. According to recent studies, up to 80% of magnesium is lost during food processing (Cazolla et. al, 2020). When you feel tight & crampy muscles that can be an indication of magnesium deficiency.
Dark leafy greens are rich in Magnesium
Foods High in Magnesium
Dark Leafy Greens (kale, collards, chard, broccoli & spinach)
Seeds (pumpkin, flax & chia)
Nuts (cashews, almonds & walnuts)
Whole Grains
I always take a food first approach but magnesium supplementation is generally very safe and well tolerated. Look for forms that end in –ate (magnesium citrate, malate, glycinate, taurate or aspartate) as these are the most bioavaialble (easiest absorbed). Avoid magnesium sulfate, gluconate, carbonate and oxide. They are poorly absorbed. Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement protocol.
Another great way to get magnesium into the system is through the bodies biggest organ, the skin! Taking a hot Epsom salt (magnesium sulafate) is a great way to relax and absorb some much needed magnesium into your system.
How will you incorporate more magnesium into your routine?
Cazzola R, Della Porta M, Manoni M, Iotti S, Pinotti L, Maier JA. Going to the roots of reduced magnesium dietary intake: A tradeoff between climate changes and sources. Heliyon. 2020;6(11):e05390. Published 2020 Nov 3. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05390
Lipski, Elizabeth. (2012) Digestive Wellness. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Rosique-Esteban N, Guasch-Ferré M, Hernández-Alonso P, Salas-Salvadó J. Dietary Magnesium and Cardiovascular Disease: A Review with Emphasis in Epidemiological Studies. Nutrients. 2018;10(2):168. Published 2018 Feb 1. doi:10.3390/nu10020168